= 0.8.1 =
[ Bug Fix ] Fixed an issue where en_US could not be specified in the language selection options.
= 0.8.0 =
[ Add Function ] Add a conditional branching function based on language.
= 0.7.0 =
[ Add Function ] Added condition to display only to login user.
[ Specification Change ] Fix WordPress 6.3 transforms settings.
= 0.6.3 =
[ Fix ] Fixed a bug related to the period setting when referencing a custom field.
= 0.6.2 =
[ Fix ] Fix the bug in conditional branching based on user roles.
= 0.6.1 =
[ Fix ] Correct the translation
= 0.6.0 =
[ Add Function ] Added user roles condition
[ Add Function ] Added date condition
[ Fix ] Added UserRole label to block.
= 0.5.0 =
[ Add Function ]Added transforms settings to wrap and unwrap.
= 0.4.3 =
- [ Bug fix ] Fixed bug in conditional branching based on custom field values
= 0.4.1 =
- Update descriptions
= 0.4.0 =
- Add custom field conditions
= 0.3.1 =
- Fix translate
= 0.3.0 =
- Add exclusion setting
= 0.2.7 =
- Set text domain for translations
= 0.2.6 =
- Set text domain for translations
= 0.2.4 =
- Fix readme
= 0.2.3 =
- Add fallback for vendor files failed to deliver or load.
= 0.2.1 =
- Add default paragraph block
= 0.2.0 =
- Add conditions
= 0.1.0 =
- Initial release
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 0.1.0 =
- Initial release